My name is Tatiana Kireyeva.
I've been working as a teacher since 1971. I graduated from the Pedagogical Institute , the department 'Chemistry in English' and began teaching both subjects Chemistry and English. Now I'm an English teacher and work in the Second StPetersburg Gymnasium. I'm free to choose my own teaching methods, programmes and evaluating techniques.So, I have the opportunity of carrying out independent experimental work, using my own materials. I enjoy developing new classroom and extra-curriculum activities.
I've been working as a teacher since 1971. I graduated from the Pedagogical Institute , the department 'Chemistry in English' and began teaching both subjects Chemistry and English. Now I'm an English teacher and work in the Second StPetersburg Gymnasium. I'm free to choose my own teaching methods, programmes and evaluating techniques.So, I have the opportunity of carrying out independent experimental work, using my own materials. I enjoy developing new classroom and extra-curriculum activities.
Some thoughts about my job
I’m fond of teaching my subject and I enjoy developing new classroom and extra-curriculum activities ( writing articles and booklets for my students and other teachers , staging plays , and taking part in different performances, contests and English parties). As a teacher, I have to attend a lot of teachers’ conferences and listen to numorous speeches made by different specialists in education. Sometimes after listening to talks of these people, I felt frustrated and bored, though I understand that the speakers had very noble aims, that is to give teachers guidelines for the future. I began thinking of their speeches saying, "How can I get inspired if the amount of work I’ll have to do doesn’t correspond to the salary I get”. Strange as it may seem, none of our esteemed superiors is bothered by this awful discrepancy. I believe that the majority of Russian teachers have just the same feelings, especially those who devoted many years of their lives to schooling. So I decided to think how to able to work out a new approach to our lives, to remain healthy, active, and avoid all impending nervous break-downs. I pointed out two values, which ,in my opinion , are of vital importance for any person irrespective of his/her upbringing, social status, age, sex, origin. They are family and forgiveness. Teachers are considered to be , for the most part, bad mothers, many are single or divorced because teaching is their priority, other things are of less importance. We have very little free time to devote to ourselves. We spend our free time writing plans, attending courses and seminars. Being workaholic without a decent reward in cash characterizes us as committed personalities. Sad statistics, aren’t they? However, taking full responsibility for everything that happens to us, we ourselves are able to change this negative data for the better. I began understanding that my ideas are wrong. I’m calling on teachers to put our families in the fist place, thus, assigning for work an honorable second place. I decided to stop, take three deep breaths and say to myself, "My family is the essence of my life”. We can’t become respected teachers at the expense of our families.
About my school
Our gymnasium is one of the oldest educational establishments in StPetersburg. It was founded as the StPetersburg Gymnasium in 1805 for the boys of the bourgeois and aristocracy. Among the graduates were many outstanding people of Russia: two sons of a celebrated Russian poet A.Pushkin, a world famous traveller and explorer Miklukho-Maclai, and a lot of other well-known people.
Our gymnasium is designed as a specialized secondary school of extensive English learning. During the three years pupils are taught mainly by one teacher with specialized teaching in music and PE. Specialists teaching for all subjects begins in the 5th grade. English is studied from the 1st grade and during these lessons each class is divided into three groups of between 10-12 pupils. In the 5th grade the students begin to study the second foreign language-French or German. In the 8th grade the pupils are offered optional courses along three lines: physics and maths, humanities and natural sciences. The gymnasium has a certain status which allows teachers to work according to their own programmes and to include some subjects which are outside the syllabus.
The school has two buildings-for the primary school and for the secondary school. The staff consists of 150 teachers. Class teachers work a basic 18 hours a week, with Sunday and one other week day free. All teachers receive a 45- day holiday during July-August. All the school staff teach, no one is engaged primary on administrative duty.
Music, dancing, drama and design play an important part in the process of education. Exhibitions of drawing, self-made things, concerts, performances are quite frequent at our gymnasium. We also keep contacts with different schools from different countries. We exchange delegations of students. Foreigners are always welcomed at our gymnasium. We have meetings, gatherings, parties with other students. They help overcome difficulties. unite people for better understanding, peace and friendship.
About My City
St Petersburg stands on the impressive river Neva. When people think about this city they think about the white nights. They are exciting, magical and romantic. You can watch wonderful bridges raised and the ships going up and down the river all night long. St Petersburg is a magnificent city. It is famous for its fascinating buildings, historic museums, monumental palaces and well-known theatres. You can walk in its lovely parks and gardens, admire its statues and monuments. St Petersburg was founded by Peter the Great in 1703. Its location was very important, because it was built on the Neva river. St Petersburg is one of the largest cities in our country. It is a prosperous modern city full of character. Its population is about 5 million people. The city is never boring. You can spend a day walking along Nevsky Prospect. You can watch the treasures of the Hermitage or go to the Russian Museum. You can visit StPeter-and-Paul's Fortress and St Isaac's Cathedral. At night you can go to one of the numerous theatres. Or you can try something delicious in one of the restaurants. You can have a nice time at the Zoo or in the circus. And of course, there are a lot of disco clubs and concert halls. I advise you to visit our city!
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Педагогический опыт учителя
Педагогический опыт учителя можно образно представить в виде дерева:
· с мощными корнями - у опытного учителя и
· маленькими корешками- у молодого, начинающего учителя.
На ветвях такого дерева располагаются виды деятельности, в которую вовлечён учитель. Интенсивность роста такого дерева зависит от количества и разнообразия видов деятельности, в которой принимает участие учитель. Это и учебно-методическая деятельность, и научно-исследовательская деятельность, и внеклассная работа по предмету, и различные конкурсы, и совершенствование и распространение своего опыта. Рост дерева неограничен - по мере роста профессионального опыта, разнообразия форм работы учителя, увеличивается и высота дерева, более мощной и разветвлённой становится его корневая система. Для лучшего роста, дерево нуждается в подкормке - совершенствование своего педагогического мастерства: посещение курсов, семинаров, открытых уроков коллег, и т.д. Чтобы дерево было красивым и радовало других, нужно распространять свой педагогический опыт: выступать на семинарах, писать статьи в газеты и журналы, участвовать в «фестивале педагогических идей» , в конкурсах и ярмарках педагогических достижений.
Важный этап в развитии любого дерева- это его плоды. Грош цена учительскому опыту, если он не приносит никаких плодов. Если учитель не смог передать свои знания ученикам, если не поделился своим опытом с молодыми учителями, то такое дерево «пустоцвет». Чем мощнее у дерева корни, крепче ствол, больше крона, тем больше плодов оно даёт. Плоды- это ученики и молодые, начинающие учителя. Из плодов появятся семена, а они дадут рост новому дереву.